
Posts Tagged ‘Jehovah Jira!’

Ok friends, I have decided to start a weekly marriage challenge! This weeks challenge is to go to bed 30 minutes earlier than you normally would. If you have small ones, put them to bed early or turn on a movie. Tell them that mommy and daddy need a time out!
If you have work to do plan ahead to make sure you are using the best use of your time or just simply leave the work for later!
There is nothing more important to God then to be connecting with your spouse!

30 minutes that’s all I ask. You will be pleasingly surprised with the results.

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Break my heart for what breaks yours…

Camp is tomorrow and I already have some anxiety, excitement and a little fear.  What will God do?  Who will God use?  The least of these, that will be the answer.   Last night at High School Service I was given the opportunity to pray with some of our young people.  It always humbles me that these young people never come up with petty request and it breaks my heart for what they are requesting.  Abuse at home, drugs, alcohol, feelings of abandonment, young people looking for direction. Looking for something to change their lives.  The young people in my Youth Group  are not as much worried about what clothes they are wearing or what the newest item out is, they are worried about real life things.  Horrible, life draining things.  These are the least. These are the ones that God is going to use to change the world.  I feel with every ounce of me movement in this generation.  I feel Gods presence and will in their lives.  Camp is going to be amazing no doubt, but please pray for us as we go up the Mountain this weekend.  I have a listed a few things to be praying for and would love if you could partner with me this weekend in prayer.

1. For chains to be broken. [addictions, lust, sin etc]

2. For unity amongst the students  and the leaders. 

3. Openness. that the students would feel open to share what they are facing .

4. Courage. the courage to let it go, to let God take control of their lives

5. Leadership. For the Pastors and Leaders to be guided not by their own will but by the will of God.

6. Breakthrough. Lives drastically changed by God.

That in every conversation, every meeting, every thought the Holy Spirit would be present and that these young people would experience God on a whole other level and that it would be just the beginning of the amazing  journey they will experience the rest of their lives.


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South Pasadena CA : Lunch Break : Beautiful Day

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Support your man.


Proverbs 31:23 (New Living Translation)

 23 Her husband is well known at the city gates,
      where he sits with the other civic leaders.


Great verse and very tender to my heart.  As I have been growing in my relationship with God and in my relationship with my husband I have found this overwhelming desire to support my husband and to encourage him to reach for his dreams.  It isn’t about the paycheck he could bring home but more about assisting him in reaching his potential and becoming the Leader he was made to be.

As much as I desire to support him I often fall short and become tire and weary and suddenly my focus turns to myself and I become selfish with my time, with my thoughts and with our relationship. 

My dream and goal is to one day not have to work and be able to stay home and just support and love my husband and family. 

Until then my strength will come from the Lord.  I will continue to plan ahead, to think what I can do for my husband to make the things he needs to do a bit easier. Like having meals ready for him or confirming appointments, making sure we are on schedule.  Most importantly Praying for my husband and lifting him up in the Lord.

Ladies, we should always be setting our man up for success!

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Proverbs 31:21 (New King James Version)

21 She is not afraid of snow for her household,
      For all her household is clothed with scarlet.


The virtuous woman, always concerned about the welfare of her family, is not afraid of the snow.  Snow is here a symbol of the cold that accompanies it. She is not afraid of the cold because she has made preparations ahead of time to dress her family in warm clothing. 

God’s word is always on time as we as a family and as youth leaders prepare ourselves and our hearts for High School Winter Camp next weekend.  Praying that chains would be broken and lives would be saved. That our youth would be set on fire for God. That all the weights of the world that have been piling up on their shoulders would be taken away. That they would be set free in the presence of the Lord.

As I prepare for my family to make sure that they have all the necessary clothing to go up to the mountains and play in the snow, would you help by praying for our youth, the next generation of young people sold out for God. That this camp would be powerful  beyond all expectations.



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Proverbs 31:19 (New Living Translation)

 19 Her hands are busy spinning thread,
      her fingers twisting fiber.


If a woman’s hands are idle and if she is not engaged in worthwhile, constructive pursuits, then watch out!    “Idle hands are the devil’s tools” and “If the devil can catch a man (or woman) idle, he’ll set him (or her) to work.”

The more I pray and seek God the more He is giving me opportunities to become a Proverbs 31 woman.  Just this weekend I was busier than I had been in a very long time.  Groceries, cleaning, family over, meeting with clients, Church, meeting with church peeps, breakfast, lunch & dinner and I completed everything successfully because my eyes and heart was focused on God.  If I had been focusing anywhere else I would have failed miserably or complained the whole time how I do EVERYTHING! God really showed me something new, I was serving my family and friends but ultimately I was doing Gods work and there was no room for the enemy to creep in.

Sisters, I know we often get exhausted but remember your strength is in the Lord and He put us here to do a good work in Him. Lean on God when you have nothing left and you will soon find that you will be doing more than you ever tought possible.


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Proverbs 31:17 (Amplified Bible)

17She girds herself with strength [spiritual, mental, and physical fitness for her God-given task] and makes her arms strong and firm.


The virtuous woman has a reservoir of inner strength which is able to energize her and enable her to accomplish physical tasks which require a great amount of physical strength.  She is not weakened by laziness but she is a wonderful example of diligence and industry.  George Lawson describes her in this way:

As rust gathers on metals that are seldom used, so sluggishness of disposition contracts a rust on the powers of the body and mind; and idle persons by degrees realize those excuses for their conduct which were at first mere shams. The virtuous woman is of a very different temper. She declines not any part of her duty through aversion to toil; and by exerting her strength with a cheerful mind she improves it. Her labors give her health and vigor, and alacrity for new labors; so that she can with great ease and tranquility go through those duties which appear impossibilities to other women [Commentary on Proverbs, p. 564].

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Proverbs 31:12 (New Living Translation)

 12 She brings him good, not harm,
      all the days of her life.


Giving thanks today to my amazing husband for everything that he has given me.   Becoming a Proverbs 31 wife is more about giving than receiving but in Gods amazing ways it is when you give of yourself that you get the most precious gifts.  Funny how that works.  I am learning more and more how to support my husband, to think ahead and plan for him so that he may be triumphant in all that he does and my rewards seems to be this unexplainable joy and peace in my heart. 

In the same way we are protective of our children and want to see them succeed and be accomplished, we should work even harder for our husbands.  I have been reminding myself daily that my husband is not just someone who I met, but he is a GIFT to me from God to cherish!

Lord, I pray for each and every person who reads this blog that you would bless their marriage and that you would put the desire in her heart to become a proverbs 31 woman and that the joy and peace that surpasses all understanding would flood theirs hearts like a river rushing.  May your love and faithfulness flourish in their lives.  Amen. 

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Proverbs 31:11 (New International Version, ©2010)

11 Her husband has full confidence in her
   and lacks nothing of value.


Sisters may you be encouraged today by this verse. I know you all work so hard and in this day and age when one income is not enough, women are expected to not only hold down the household but also to hold down a career.  I pray you take comfort in knowing that God knew this when He created us and He gave us all the tools to be able to multi-task and to take care of such things.  The proverbs 31 woman is one that takes pains in her duties, and takes pleasure in them. She is careful to fill up time, that none be lost. She rises early. She applies herself to the business proper for her, to women’s business. She does what she does, with all her power, and trifles not. Sisters, be strong.. be strong in the Lord today knowing He is your strength.

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Proverbs 31:8-9 (New International Version, ©2010) 

 8 Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves,
   for the rights of all who are destitute

9 Speak up and judge fairly;
   defend the rights of the poor and needy.


This verse really spoke to me as one of my goals in 2011 is to just go out and help others without having to be prompted or asked or to wait for some group of people to come up with the idea.  I want to stop second guessing Gods ever so gentle whispers in my ear.  I want to take a stand for those who can not stand on their own.  After all what will it hurt? 

What I learned here is that  God does not lessen the bitterest outcasts of the cup of sorrow put into their hands; but he puts the cup of comfort into the hands of his people, and causes those to rejoice who are in the deepest distress. Won’t you take a stand for someone today?

I pray that whatever you are going through today that you will find peace in knowing that God is in control, that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  God is so in love with you.

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