
Archive for January 27th, 2011

Break my heart for what breaks yours…

Camp is tomorrow and I already have some anxiety, excitement and a little fear.  What will God do?  Who will God use?  The least of these, that will be the answer.   Last night at High School Service I was given the opportunity to pray with some of our young people.  It always humbles me that these young people never come up with petty request and it breaks my heart for what they are requesting.  Abuse at home, drugs, alcohol, feelings of abandonment, young people looking for direction. Looking for something to change their lives.  The young people in my Youth Group  are not as much worried about what clothes they are wearing or what the newest item out is, they are worried about real life things.  Horrible, life draining things.  These are the least. These are the ones that God is going to use to change the world.  I feel with every ounce of me movement in this generation.  I feel Gods presence and will in their lives.  Camp is going to be amazing no doubt, but please pray for us as we go up the Mountain this weekend.  I have a listed a few things to be praying for and would love if you could partner with me this weekend in prayer.

1. For chains to be broken. [addictions, lust, sin etc]

2. For unity amongst the students  and the leaders. 

3. Openness. that the students would feel open to share what they are facing .

4. Courage. the courage to let it go, to let God take control of their lives

5. Leadership. For the Pastors and Leaders to be guided not by their own will but by the will of God.

6. Breakthrough. Lives drastically changed by God.

That in every conversation, every meeting, every thought the Holy Spirit would be present and that these young people would experience God on a whole other level and that it would be just the beginning of the amazing  journey they will experience the rest of their lives.


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