
Archive for January 24th, 2011

Why do bad things happen to good people?

I remember during one of my mothers long stays in the hospital during one of  many illnesses she said that my Pastor had stopped by and jokingly asked her if she was related to Job in the bible because she had such bad luck with her health.   At the time I had no idea of the Book of Job but that question prompted me to read it that very night and I was so surprised that God allowed the devil to destroy everything Job had.   At that time my relationship with God was very much still on the surface. I only thought of God as the “Big Guy in the Sky” I thought everything “bad” that happened to me was because I deserved it or because I caused it. [that is a lie] I could pretty much justify the bad things that happened in my life, but as I read the book of Job I  learned that  Job lived a Godly life,  I couldn’t understand  how  God allowed Job to suffer.  In that same question I thought to myself, How could God allow my Mother to suffer for so long and so much.  After all my Mother was one of the sweetest most loving women I have ever known.  Then I realized that God knew my Mother much more than I did, He created her and He knew just what she could handle and He also knew how she would impact the lives of others.  God also knew that Job would stay faithful to Him. 

One of my very best friends told me today that her cancer has returned and she mentioned that she had thought at first to just let it take its course… but that after more consideration she decided to go with Chemo.  My heart broke when she told me that she was going to just let it take its course.  I knew the moment I met this person that God had a significant purpose in her life.  I couldn’t imagine that God would want her to just give up!   As I sat there looking at her I couldn’t help but see the glowing spirit of God surrounding her and holding her although she was totally oblivious to the fact that God the Father of the universe was with her, wrapped firmly around her.  I thought to myself, she has battled this before and she can battle it again.  Victory is in Jesus. 

I am sure she is asking the same question as everyone else asks,  Why would God do this to me?  I would ask the same question.  The fact is that we will never know the right answer and that the answer will be a million different reasons to a million different people.   One thing I do know is that God never wants us to stop fighting.  No matter what battle is put in front of us, with God on our side we will always be victorious.  For my friend, the battle will be won and she will not be fighting it alone.  I for one will be right by her side, praying, loving and supporting her along with all of her other friends and family.  

I guess I can’t help but to find a little good in bad, knowing and being with my Mother during her trials has prepared me for my dear friends battle ahead. 

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Support your man.


Proverbs 31:23 (New Living Translation)

 23 Her husband is well known at the city gates,
      where he sits with the other civic leaders.


Great verse and very tender to my heart.  As I have been growing in my relationship with God and in my relationship with my husband I have found this overwhelming desire to support my husband and to encourage him to reach for his dreams.  It isn’t about the paycheck he could bring home but more about assisting him in reaching his potential and becoming the Leader he was made to be.

As much as I desire to support him I often fall short and become tire and weary and suddenly my focus turns to myself and I become selfish with my time, with my thoughts and with our relationship. 

My dream and goal is to one day not have to work and be able to stay home and just support and love my husband and family. 

Until then my strength will come from the Lord.  I will continue to plan ahead, to think what I can do for my husband to make the things he needs to do a bit easier. Like having meals ready for him or confirming appointments, making sure we are on schedule.  Most importantly Praying for my husband and lifting him up in the Lord.

Ladies, we should always be setting our man up for success!

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