
Archive for January 21st, 2011



Proverbs 31:22 (New International Version, ©2010)

22 She makes coverings for her bed;
   she is clothed in fine linen and purple.


Ladies, here you have it an explanation to all of our husbands why we spend so much time and energy making our beds look fabulous with gorgeous comforters, pillows, pillows and more pillows! 

“She makes coverings for herself”.

Apparently these were coverings which she made for her bed. I have learned that  the only other place in the Old Testament where this Hebrew word “coverings” is found is in Proverbs 7:16 where it is clearly referring to coverings for a bed:  “I have decked my bed with coverings of tapestry.”  The virtuous woman took time to decorate and adorn her bedroom with beautiful bedspreads and coverings. So there you have it ladies, now lets talk our other weakness.. CLOTHES!


  The proverbs 31 woman did not dress in a shabby manner. Yes ladies it is true!   She was able to purchase the finest materials because of her thriftiness and wisdom that she exuded in the previous verses, and with her own hands make the finest of garments.  She did not consider it a mark of spirituality to go around looking like a hot mess, wearing her pj’s to the store, or going out of the house with out hair and make up done.  Material prosperity was a sign of God’s blessing, and was not to be despised.  She wore expensive clothing, royal clothing, to match her regal and godly character. (LOVE IT)  Her outward fabulousness matched  her inner beauty. “The proverbs 31 wife is covered in what flatters her true character and dignity”. Just because a micro mini is in style doesn’t mean it is for us! She was not vain or arrogant and she knew that external beauty fades (as we will see in verse 30). She was not stuck up in the way she dressed. She understood that the most important clothing was the adorning of the inner man: “strength and honor are her clothing.”  

So let’s recap! Husbands having a million pillows on the bed is biblical and fashion is fabulous for the Proverbs 31 wife! Hooray, Thank you Jesus!  

Ladies enjoy your day and remember is doesn’t matter if you do not have the cash for the most expensive clothes, us what you got and your natural inner beauty will be the perfect accessory!

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