
Archive for January 20th, 2011

Proverbs 31:21 (New King James Version)

21 She is not afraid of snow for her household,
      For all her household is clothed with scarlet.


The virtuous woman, always concerned about the welfare of her family, is not afraid of the snow.  Snow is here a symbol of the cold that accompanies it. She is not afraid of the cold because she has made preparations ahead of time to dress her family in warm clothing. 

God’s word is always on time as we as a family and as youth leaders prepare ourselves and our hearts for High School Winter Camp next weekend.  Praying that chains would be broken and lives would be saved. That our youth would be set on fire for God. That all the weights of the world that have been piling up on their shoulders would be taken away. That they would be set free in the presence of the Lord.

As I prepare for my family to make sure that they have all the necessary clothing to go up to the mountains and play in the snow, would you help by praying for our youth, the next generation of young people sold out for God. That this camp would be powerful  beyond all expectations.



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