
Archive for January 18th, 2011


Proverbs 31:19 (New Living Translation)

 19 Her hands are busy spinning thread,
      her fingers twisting fiber.


If a woman’s hands are idle and if she is not engaged in worthwhile, constructive pursuits, then watch out!    “Idle hands are the devil’s tools” and “If the devil can catch a man (or woman) idle, he’ll set him (or her) to work.”

The more I pray and seek God the more He is giving me opportunities to become a Proverbs 31 woman.  Just this weekend I was busier than I had been in a very long time.  Groceries, cleaning, family over, meeting with clients, Church, meeting with church peeps, breakfast, lunch & dinner and I completed everything successfully because my eyes and heart was focused on God.  If I had been focusing anywhere else I would have failed miserably or complained the whole time how I do EVERYTHING! God really showed me something new, I was serving my family and friends but ultimately I was doing Gods work and there was no room for the enemy to creep in.

Sisters, I know we often get exhausted but remember your strength is in the Lord and He put us here to do a good work in Him. Lean on God when you have nothing left and you will soon find that you will be doing more than you ever tought possible.


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