
Archive for January 17th, 2011


Proverbs 31:18 (New King James Version)

18 She perceives that her merchandise is good,
      And her lamp does not go out by night.


The godly woman purchased a field, planted a vineyard, and gave herself to this ambitious endeavor with great strength (verses 16-17).  In verse 18 she is experiencing the rewards of her labor. She finds how profitable her industry is as she experiences the sale of its product.  She sees that her trading is profitable.  She is reaping what she sowed by her diligent industry, and she is finding it to be a good harvest. She is seeing the results of the labors of her hands.  She learns that success results from her labors and she reaps the fruits of hard work.

Her merchandise is known to be good, and brings a ready market and a good price; and her knowledge of this is a sufficient reward of itself for her toils; for when the lazy are perpetually uneasy by their reflections on their own conduct, the consciousness of having done her duty, and the prospect of the advantages arising from it, are a constant source of satisfaction and cheerfulness to the virtuous woman (George Lawson, Commentary on Proverbs, p. 564).

Right now I am relating very much to this verse, dedicating myself to my husband and to provide for him in any way possible while he works hard on alot of projects for our business.   I am basking in God’s glory, it is so good (even when it’s hard) to see God working in your life! 

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Introducing the beautiful, talented and highly favored Woman of God


It was really fun to take these photos. Monique has such a beautiful voice and I am so excited for the things that God is working in her life right now.  Not only is she beautiful on the outside, Her true beauty radiates from the inside as she has such a powerful faith in God.

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