
Archive for January 8th, 2011


Proverbs 31:11 (New International Version, ©2010)

11 Her husband has full confidence in her
   and lacks nothing of value.


Sisters may you be encouraged today by this verse. I know you all work so hard and in this day and age when one income is not enough, women are expected to not only hold down the household but also to hold down a career.  I pray you take comfort in knowing that God knew this when He created us and He gave us all the tools to be able to multi-task and to take care of such things.  The proverbs 31 woman is one that takes pains in her duties, and takes pleasure in them. She is careful to fill up time, that none be lost. She rises early. She applies herself to the business proper for her, to women’s business. She does what she does, with all her power, and trifles not. Sisters, be strong.. be strong in the Lord today knowing He is your strength.

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