
Archive for January 5th, 2011

Be (in)couraged!

I stumbles across this website and if you are a woman.. you must check it out!


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Proverbs 31:5-7 (New Living Translation)

 5 For if they drink, they may forget the law
      and not give justice to the oppressed.
 6 Alcohol is for the dying,
      and wine for those in bitter distress.
 7 Let them drink to forget their poverty
      and remember their troubles no more.



In reading this today I had to search a little deeper because at first glance it sounds kinda crazy, give alcohol to those who are dying and in bitter distress! What!?  Well in digging a little deeper and learning what context it was written in. I learn that King Lamuels Mother was  instructing her son NOT to drink wine or strong drink because she did not want him to forget the law and neglect those that are afflicted.   That the wine should better yet be used for the dying (like a pain killer)  or those in bitter distress, such as people with injuries to lighten the pain.  Not to be used to put yourself in a drunken stooper.  As a youth leader I can relate, we have a calling on our lives and we should not waste our talents in being hindered by alcohol or drugs.

That helped me understand this verse, it truly is important to dig into scripture deeper! Could you imagine the damange this verse could do to some people!  Take time today to dig a little deeper into Gods word I know He has something awesome to say to you!


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