
Archive for January 3rd, 2011


Proverbs 31:2

2My son Lemuel, you were born in answer to my prayers,so listen carefully.

There is nothing like a mother trying to give her son some good advise!  How many times as mothers have we tried to do this and it goes in one ear and out the other?  The good thing however is that it always comes around to bite them in the butt! lol  I know in my own experience I could have avoided so many bad situations in my life had I just listened to my momma!

Secondly, I see here that He was born to her in answer to her prayers.  So many of us are desperately asking God for answered Prayers and as we receive them we try out best to protect and guide them but this passage clearly shows me that we can not control our blessings.  We must just be thankful for them.

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Funny how your life changes when you focus on God!

In the last year my life has changed so much in so many ways, God has opened my eyes to see myself and others in a different light.  I am inspired and encouraged and have found this peculiar desire to strive to become more than what my past has made me, to break the chains of my past failures and to overcome them and push forward to step into the light and purpose that my God thought of when He created me.

All of us were created for a certain plan and purpose, I want to embrace mine.  I am going to spend this next month breaking down Proverbs 31 to get a better understanding of who I am meant to be. To enrich my relationship with my amazing husband, son and friends.  I plan on taking it slow and allowing every bit, word and syllable embrace my soul.  So let’s get started.

Proverbs 31 V1:  1The words of King Lemuel, the strong advice his mother gave him:

Who was King Lemuel and his mother:  from what I have found in my research Lemuel is mentioned only in this passage in the Bible (Proverbs 31:1 .  This has left the door open to all kinds of speculation as to his true identity. He has been thought by interpreters to be imaginary, to be Solomon, to be Hezekiah, to be a Lemuel who was king of Massa or just some petty Arabian prince. In other words, no one really knows. The interesting thing  that I learned is that the name means “to God” and has the implication of “belonging to God.  I like that.

If Lemuel is, in fact, Solomon, that means the mother who taught her son these wise sayings about excellent character was Bathsheba,  a woman known more for scandal than virtue. Maybe Bathsheba taught Solomon about his ancestor Ruth who had a spotless reputation, and then Solomon could have written Proverbs 31 with Ruth in mind.  After all, the passage is like Ruth’s life in many ways.

So basically we do not know exactly who these people were but the very fact that it is in the bible aka the book of life tells me that it is God breathed and that  is enough for me!

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