
Archive for December, 2010

 If God is a DJ life  is a dance floor. Love is the rhythm. You are the music…


Have you ever been asked to do something that you had no idea how to do or given a task that you were not sure how you would make  happen?   I have and I am sure you have to but there is good news, You can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens you!

My super amazing talented brilliant husband used to rip vinyl back in his day but sacrificed his passion for the genuine sound of records by selling all of his DJ equipment to put towards our wedding fund 5 years ago.  Recently he was asked to DJ our Epic Culture New Years Eve Eve party.  He informed them that he no longer had his DJ equipment however they just asked him to put together a play list for the ipod  but God had something bigger and better in mind.

Last night I sat up with my super amazing, talented husband and listened to songs, and read lyrics and lyrics and more lyrics in order to make sure that we were putting together an appropriate playlist and then at 11pm it was time for me to go to sleep but Vince stayed up and sometime between 11pm and 7am this morning Vince turned a few songs into an amazing mega-mix for our young people to dance to tonight.  I don’t know how Vince does it, he is super amazingly off the charts talented but I do know that God gave him those gifts of insight and creativity .  Moral of the story is never tell God “No” or “I can’t” instead let God “do” all  things through you for His Glory & Power!

 Exodus 34:10 (New Living Translation)

 10 The Lord replied, “Listen, I am making a covenant with you in the presence of all your people. I will perform miracles that have never been performed anywhere in all the earth or in any nation. And all the people around you will see the power of the Lord—the awesome power I will display for you.


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Hebrews 10:24-25 (New Living Translation)

24 Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. 25 And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.

With Christmas just ending and the New Year around the corner I started thinking to myself about “child like faith” and how I can remember a time in my life even as an adult when I was carefree, happy and full of life.  A lot like the picture of me above as a little child I was flying through life, the ups and the downs with happiness and joy but somewhere along the journey I lost that childlike faith.  I am not sure if it was when my mother passed away or the challenge of being a good mother and perfect wife or the constant wearing down of my job or maybe its a combination of all of them.  I lost my spark, that twinkle in my eye.

I read Hebrews 10:24-25 this morning and thought to myself that’s it!  I need to sound happy even if I am not and eventually the happiness will start.  I need to encourage people even if I feel discouraged because in their encouragement I might find some hope.  I need to love those around me even if  I don’t feel like it so that they can see and feel love of Jesus and share it with others.

So here is to as Pastor Jim would say, “Acting yourself into an Action” in a quest to bring back that twinkle in my eye.  I hope that you will Motivate, Love and Hangout with someone today and make a difference in their life.

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My Year In Review

year. in. review

With 2010 soon coming to an end I started looking at all the photo’s I had taken and reminiscing about all the blessings and fun times I have had.

I am really excited to see where 2011 leads me.

JANUARY: Where it all started… my new healthy life style. Looking at this picture I see such a difference in my face! 40+ pounds heavier.  I guess 2009 was a rough year for me both physically & mentally but God never waste a hurt and so the 2010 journey began…

FEBRUARY: A great month! We had a blast serving with Epic Culture High School Students (including our very own son!) It is such a blessing to be serving in such a powerful and ever-changing culture.

Valentines day was a blast. I put together a fun scavenger hunt for Vincent that led him to Elements resteraunt in Arcadia where we had a very quiet and romantic dinner.  It was memorable!

Vincents 39th Birthday.  We had a house full of friends over and enjoyed playing video games, talking and catching up.  We all love Vince so much and were glad to make this day special for him.

MARCH: In March we had such a great time hanging out with my sister and her family as they vacationed at Laguna Beach.  The weather was beautiful and we really enjoyed each others company as we ate dinner on the deck over looking the Ocean.  The sunset was a beautiful reminder how amazing God is and how important family is and what beauty comes out of spending a few hours together.  We love the BECKS

APRIL: It was a special time for me.  We took a trip to Las Vegas and in just a few short days we celebrated My sister 40th birthday, Vince and My Anniversary, took Austin and his cousin to the ACDC Concert and connected with one of my very best friends.  It was surreal as I stood in my sisters backyard and thought about that special day 3 years ago when we were married.  Vince is such a wonderful man and I am so blessed and lucky to be his wife.  We also really enjoyed hanging out with my sisters boys while her and her husband celebrated her birthday.  Austin and Cameron went to the ACDC concert and made memories that will last their entire life!  It is always nice to be back in Vegas with my family and friends and my time there is always so treasured.

MAY: May started with an all-star lunch with part of my dream team. Having lunch with amazing friends who lift me up and encourage me is the best way to start off a month!  Maria and Krishna both have these special abilities to bring out my creativity and my spirituality in amazing ways.  There is no one like them.  I also went GREEN in the month May with the purchase of a new car. Toyota Prius. Austin wasn’t to fond of the purchase but our pocket book sure has taken a liking to the money we are saving in gas.  The month ended with celebrating the up and coming birth of my dear friend Sarahs baby girl Gwen. I really enjoyed the girly tea party baby shower and loved seeing my friend glow with pregnancy and expectation as the time drew nearer to the birth of her baby girl.

JUNE: I can’t really remember anything to significant about June besides realizing for the first time in my life I had successfully lost 20 pounds. It was fun getting rid of old baggy clothes and shopping for new smaller ones.  Oh’ and I also got bangs for the first time in a very long time and felt like I looked about 5 years younger.

JULY: Another BECK vacation! This time we went down to Oceanside to spend a few days with my sister and her family as they vacationed on the beach in Oceanside. It was really nice to just hangout and enjoy the view of the ocean, to walk along the beach with my beloved and watch my boy enjoy himself boogie boarding. 

After our mini vaca we enjoyed another beach trip with our church Family as we took over pier 17 at Huntington beach and had baptisms in the ocean! AWESOMENESS.

AUGUST: Bootcamp, babies and iDo’s.  Austin went to DevilPups boot camp which is a marine based boot camp for teens who aspire to be in the military. They must pass a rigorous physical exam in order to go and Austin did.  He was gone for 10 days.  We are so proud of Austin for doing this and believe it truly changed his life and has enhanced his life path. 

We got to meet my friend Sarah’s beautiful baby girl Gwen at our friends Annes wedding. It was a wonderful time!

SEPTEMBER: What a beautiful month! We got to keep my sister boys for a weekend in September while my sister and her husband took off to a beautiful mountain resort to celebrate 16 years of marriage.  We had a great time hanging with the boys. They are all so awesome and enrich our lives greatly!

OCTOBER: Fashion Police!  I had a great time this Halloween actually having a cool, stylish Halloween costume.  Austin came up with the idea, FASHION POLICE… We had a party at church with the youth and also enjoyed going to our annual harvest festival on Halloween night. Austin served for 4 hours there.  Its a great way to serve the community and he did a great job!

NOVEMBER: 40 pounds lighter, a SUPRISE birthday & a closer Mother in-law! November is when I discovered that I had lost a total of 40 pounds in the last 11 months! I could not believe it! God had given me the strength and desire to stay on track and keep focused on the new healthy habits I had created.  

We had a SUPRISE birthday party for Austins 16th birthday and it was a hit, he had no clue!  He really appreciated all his friends and family coming by and wishing him a happy birthday.  We also spent some time at a military museum which was very informative and educational thanks to Austin!

and lastly but not least we moved Louise back to civilization!  Back to Monrovia! It was a chore but we managed to get her moved.

Thanksgiving was nice as Louise was able to spend the day with all of her kids for the first time in many many years.

DECEMBER: Joy, Joy & more Joy

So this month started of GREAT! Back to my favorite place with my favorite people.  Las Vegas.  God really kicked in the favor during my birthday weekend with a free upgrade to our hotel room, free breakfast, lunch & dinner.  We spent a lot of time with my sister and her family which made my heart happy and we went to my favorite place during christmas Opportunity Village.  It meant so much for me to share one of my families traditions with Vincent and to top off the weekend a night out with the girls! Erin, Alesha and my sister! We had a great time having dinner and catching up.

We came home to a beautiful christmas time with Austin, Louise and My Dad and Tracy.  God has been so good to me and my family this year. 

I know that there is a lot I probably forgot about but one thing I have learned this year is that God is faithful and God is right on time and God will never leave my side.  I have learned that Love is not only showed in 1 way but in a million different ways.  That I am more than my past and past mistakes and that God is just getting started with me and that 2011 with birth so many more blessing and new endeavors that I am looking forward to. 

Thank you for being a part of my life, even if it was just for 5 minutes!

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Christmas Photos

Here are a few of my favorite photos that I took over the last couple days!

Merry Christmas

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{Merry Christmas}

{Merry Christmas}

Hello to all my readers.  I know it has been a long time since I last posted.  A lot has happened.  I turned 35 and lost 45 pounds in 1 year.  I must say that I am pretty proud of myself.  I have fallen in love with a healthier lifestyle and plan to keep up the exercising and healthy eating.  This next year I am dedicating myself and this blog to becoming a better me. I will be working through Proverbs 31 learning about the woman God created me to be. I will also be sharing my passion for photography and all things fabulous and that I am passionate about.  I hope that you will stop by and be encouraged!

I am super excited for the New Year and more fabulous’ness!

Merry Christmas!


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